UIT University

Muhammad Ghazanfar Ullah



Department of  Electrical Engineering

 Email:   mgukhan@uit.edu

Ext.: 3045


  • – PhD. (Telecommunication and Control Engineering) – MUET – 2013
  • – M.Engg. (Computer Systems) – NEDUET – 2002
  • – B.E. (Computer Systems) – NEDUET – 1996

Area of Specialization:

  • – Digital Image Processing
  • – Computer Vision

Work Experience:

  • – Professor – Dept. of Computer Systems Engineering
    • Usman Institute of Technology University
    • June 2024 – Present
  • – Professor and Head – Dept. of Engineering Technology
    • Usman Institute of Technology University
    • October 2022 – May 2024
  • – Professor – Dept. of Electrical Engineering
    • Usman Institute of Technology
    • March 2014 – September 2022
  • – Associate Professor – Dept. of Computer Systems Engineering
    • Usman Institute of Technology
    • September 2003 – February 2014


  • – Pakistan Engineering Council: Comp – 821
  •  – Pattern Recognition vis-à-vis AI&ML
  • – Computer Vision
  • – Digital Image Processing
  • – Computer Graphics
  • – Computer Programming
  • – Object Oriented Programming
  • – Digital Logic Design
  1. M. A. Hussain, M. Ghazanfar Ullah, A. Fareed, B. Sohail, “The Smartcane for Blind People an Electronically Smart Stick to Aid Mobility”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, vol. 14, Issue 4 (2016), pp. 276-285, 2016.
  2. P. Jatoi, A. Memon, B. S. Chowdhry, M. Ghazanfar Ullah, S. Latif, “An Efficient Hybrid Cryptographic Algorithm, Consuming Less Time for Exchanging Information in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Springer International Journal on Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 82, Issue 3 (2015), doi: 10.1007/s11277-015-2748-9. (Impact Factor)
  3. S. Latif, A. Memon, Bhawani S. Chowdhry and M. Ghazanfar Ullah, “Accuracy Assessment of D-model for Modeling Wall Attenuation in Indoor Environment”, CICSyN2014, 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, May 2014.
  4. M. Ghazanfar Ullah, Bhawani S. Chowdhry, A. Qadeer Rajput, A. Ursani, Shiraz latif, “Wireless Body Area Sensor Network Authentication using Voronoi Diagram (VD) of Retinal Vascular Pattern”, Springer International Journal on Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 76, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 579-589, 2014. (Impact Factor)
  5. P. Jatoi, A. Memon, B. S. Chowdhry, M. Ghazanfar Ullah, S. Latif “Exchanging Information in WSN at Low Time Consumption in Efficient Hybrid Cryptographic Algorithm”, WirelessVITAE 2014 – 3rd Mobility for Life Conference on Technology, Telecommunication and Problem Based Learning, Aalborg University – Denmark, 2014.
  6. S. Latif, A. Hadi, A. Memon, Bhawani S. Chowdhry and M. Ghazanfar Ullah, “FaMWiFi: Fingerprinting/Sampling & Monitoring of WiFi signals for Indoor Positioning”, 1st International Conference on Modern Communication and Computing Technologies 2014, QUEST, Pakistan.
  7. M. Ghazanfar Ullah, Bhawani S. Chowdhary, A. Qadeer Rajput, A. Karim Baloch, Shiraz latif, “An Efficient Human Identification Based on Voronoi Diagram (VD) Of Retinal Vascular Pattern”, 2nd International Conference on ‘Mobility for Life’ on 14-16 March 2013, Nashik, India.
  8. Z. Ali, Shiraz Latif, Kashif Ishaque, Saba Javed, and M. Ghazanfar Ullah, “Comparative Tuning of the Conventional Fuzzy Logic Controller for the Buck Power Converter”, 24th IASTED International Conference on Simulation and Modeling, Banff, Canada, 2013.
  9. S. Latif, Hassan Qazi, S. Khan, A. Memon, M. Ghazanfar Ullah, “Location Determination for mobile robots in Indoor Navigation”, Sindh University Research Journal SURJ (Sci. Ser.), vol. (45), no A-1, pp. 71-80, 2013.
  10. H. Qazi, Shiraz Latif, Aftab Memon, M. Ghazanfar Ullah, “Radio Signal Based Mobile Robot Positioning in Indoor Environment – A Review”, 3rd International Conference on Computer and Emerging Technologies, Pakistan, Feb. 2013.
  11. M. Ghazanfar Ullah, Bhawani S. Chowdhry, Shiraz Latif, Asif Siddiqui, G. A. Mallah, “DAPDNA-2 Performance Enhancement Using ALU Partitioning and Saturation Arithmetic for Digital Image/Signal Processing Applications”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation 2012, Kuantan, Malaysia, DOI: 10.1109/CIMSim.2012.70.
  12. S. Latif, M. Ghazanfar Ullah, Aftab Memon, Bhawani S. Chowdhry, and Javed Ahmed, “Comparison of D-Model and Wall-Attenuation Model for Signal Strength Estimations in Indoor Environment”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation 2012, Kuantan, Malaysia, DOI: 10.1109/CIMSim.2012.68
  13. M. Ghazanfar Ullah, Bhawani S. Chowdhry, A. Qadeer Rajput, A. Karim Baloch, Shiraz latif, “Performance analysis and Assessment of Delaunay Triangulation (Dt) Net and Polar Spectrum Techniques for Human Recognition through Retinal Scanning”, SURJ (Sc. Ser.) vol. 44(2), pp. 159-164, 2012.
  14. M. Ghazanfar Ullah, Bhawani S. Chowdhry, A. Qadeer Rajput, A. Karim Baloch, Shiraz latif, “Performance Evaluation Of Retina Based Human Identification Using Polar Spectrum And Delaunay Triangulation (Dt) Net”, 2nd International Conference on Computer and Emerging Technologies, Pakistan, Feb. 2012.
  15. M. Ghazanfar Ullah, Bhawani S. Chowdhry, Shiraz Latif, A. Qadeer Rajput and Javed Ahmed, “Pattern Matching Algorithm using Polar Spectrum in Retina Recognition for Human Identification System”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol. 5, pp. 1385-1392, October-2011.
  16. S. Latif, Binghao Li, Chris Rizos, Aftab Memon and Ghazanfar Khan, “D-Model: A New Perspective for Modeling Radio Signal Propagation in Indoor Environment”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 5, pp. 1398-1405, October-2011.
  17. M. Ghazanfar Ullah, M. Ade, Shyam S. Wagle and Raza A. Jafri, “An Efficient Human Identification System Based On Retina Vascular Pattern and Delaunay Triangulation (DT) Net”, 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology (ICBBT 2011), China, pp. 253-256, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9656-3.
  18. M. Ade, Nikolaos D. Doulamis, Shyam S. Wagle, M. Ghazanfar Ullah, “Collaboration of P4P and IMS: Solution to P2P Challenges”, 2nd International Conference on Wireless Communication, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace and Electronic Systems Technology 2011 (Wireless VITAE 2011), DOI: 10.1109/WIRELESSVITAE.2011.5940869
  19. M. Ade, Nikolaos D. Doulamis, Shyam S. Wagle, M. Ghazanfar Ullah, “TeleHealth: Healthcare Technologies and TeleHealth Emergency (THE) System”, 2nd International Conference on Wireless Communication, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace and Electronic Systems Technology 2011 (Wireless VITAE 2011), DOI: 10.1109/WIRELESSVITAE.2011.5940870
  20. Shyam S. Wagle, Nikolaos D. Doulamis, M. Ade, M. Ghazanfar Ullah, “Performance Analysis of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Signaling in Heterogeneous Access Networks”, 2nd International Conference on Wireless Communication, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace and Electronic Systems Technology 2011 (Wireless VITAE 2011), DOI: 10.1109/WIRELESSVITAE.2011.5940868
  21. Shyam S. Wagle, Minesh Ade and M. Ghazanfar Ullah, “Network Transition from WiMAX to LTE”, Journal of Computing, vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2011.
  22. Shyam S. Wagle, Minesh Ade and M. Ghazanfar Ullah, “Multimedia Session Continuity in IMS using Server Based and Device Based Approach in Heterogeneous Access Networks”, International Journal of Computer and Applications, vol. 2, 2011.
  23. S. Latif, M. Ghazanfar Ullah, “Potentials of Location Based Services for Pakistani Cellular Market”, Journal of Information and Communication Technology vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 19-24. ISSN – 1816 – 613x.
  24. M. Ghazanfar Ullah, Shiraz Latif, “Blood Vessel Detection Algorithm in Retinal Images for Biometric Information”, IEEEP E-Indus 2008 Conference, Institute of Industrial Electronics Engineering (IIEE) Pakistan – 2008.
  25. M. Ghazanfar Ullah, “Faculty Development in Higher Education”, 1st National Conference on Semester System, BZU – Multan, January 2006.
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