First Semester
Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite
CSC-101 Introduction to Computing 2+1
CSC-102 Programming Fundamentals 3+1
ASC-116 Applied Physics 3+0
HSC-111 English Composition & Comprehension 3+0
HSC-102/103 Islamic Studies / Ethics 2+0
Second Semester
Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite
CSC-103 Object Oriented Programming 3+1 CSC-102
CSC-108 Discrete Structures 3+0
ASC-111 Calculus & Analytical Geometry 3+0
HSC-121 Communication Skills 3+0
HSC-105 Pakistan Studies 2+0
Third Semester
Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite
CSC-201 Data Structures & Algorithms 3+1 CSC-102
CSE-101 Software Engineering Principles 3+0 CSC-102
ASC-112 Linear Algebra 3+0
HSC-211 Technical & Business Writing 3+0
SE Elective – I 3
Fourth Semester
Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite
CSC-203 Operating Systems 3+1
CSC-204 Database Systems 3+1
CSE-202 Software Requirements Engineering 3+0 CSE-101
ASC-201 Probability & Statistics 3+0
SE Supporting – I 3
Fifth Semester
Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite
CNS-301 Computer Networks 3+1 CSC-101
CSE-203 Software Design & Architecture 3+1 CSC-103
CSE-204 Human Computer Interaction 3+0
SE Elective – II 3+1
University Elective – I 3+0
Sixth Semester
Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite
CSE-301 Software Construction & Development 2+0 CSC-103
CSE-302 Web Engineering 2+1 CSE-101
CNS-302 Information Security 3+0 CSC-101
SE Elective – III 3
SE Supporting – II 3
University Elective – II 3+0
Seventh Semester
Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite
CSE-303 Software Quality Engineering 3+0 CSE-101
CSE-304 Software Project Management 3+0
SE Elective – IV 3
SE Supporting – III 3
University Elective – III 3+0
CSE-498 Final Year Project – I 0+3
Eighth Semester
Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite
HSC-311 Computing Professional Practices 3+0
CSE-401 Software Re-Engineering 3+0 CSC-103
SE Elective – V 3
University Elective – IV 3+0
CSE-499 Final Year Project – II 0+3
University Elective Courses
Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
MSC-201 Principles of Accounting & Finance 3+0
MSC-202 Principles of Marketing 3+0
MSC-203 Principles of Management 3+0
MSC-204 Economics 3+0
MSC-301 Technopreneurship 3+0
HSC-212 Foreign Language 3+0
HSC-213 Philosophy 3+0
HSC-214 Psychology 3+0
HSC-215 Organizational Behaviour 3+0
Software Engineering Elective Courses
Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite
CSC-202 Computer Organization & Assembly Language 3+1 CSC-102
CIC-201 Artificial Intelligence 3+1 CSC-201
CSC-301 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3+0 CSC-201
CSC-302 Parallel & Distributed Computing 3+0
CSC-303 Compiler Construction 3+0 CSC-205
CSE-310 Enterprise Systems Engineering 3+0 CSC-204
CSE-311 E-Commerce 3+0
CSE-312 Software Engineering Economics 3+0 CSE-101
CSE-410 Agent Based Software Engineering 3+0 CSE-101
CSE-411 Software Metrics 3+0 CSE-101
CSC-315 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 3+0 CSC-204
CSC-316 Big Data Analytics 2+1 CSC-204
CSC-317 Computer Graphics 2+1
CSC-318 Mobile Application Developement 2+1 CSC-103
CSC-319 Visual Programming 2+1 CSC-103
CSC-320 Information Systems Audit 3+0
CNS-303 Cloud Computing Fundamentals 2+1 CNS-301
CIC-301 Deep Learning 2+1 CIC-201
CIC-401 Natural Language Processing 2+1 CSC-201
SE Supporting Electives:
Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite
ASC-113 Differential Equations 3+0 ASC-111
CSC-205 Theory of Automata 3+0
CSE-305 Business Process Engineering 3+0 CSC-108
CSE-306 Formal Methods in Software Engineering 3+0 ASC-111
CSC-312 Simulation and Modeling 2+1 CSC-205
CSC-313 Operations Research 3+0
Deficiency Courses:
Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite
ASC-101 Foundation Mathematics – I 3+0
ASC-102 Foundation Mathematics – II 3+0